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366 Birthday Profiles
About Your Sign
- Overview
- Zodiac Friendship
- Zodiac Gift Ideas
- Compatibility
- Romance Love Sex
- Dating Woman
- Dating Man
- How to Attract
- Sex with
- Health
- Car Astrology
366 Birthday Profiles
Face Reading
Palm Reading
- Introduction
- Fingertips
- Fingers
- Phalanges
- Thumb
- Life line
- Head Line
- Heart line
- Fate line
- Sun line
- Mercury line
- Lines of love and affection
- Quality of the lines
  Palm reading -- All the lines on your hands
  Points on the hands
Zodiac Signs Romance Love Sex
Sex with Leo

Passions burn in the mind and the body of a Leo lover. They radiate sexual confidence and like a majestic king of jungle they like to take charge in bed. The Leo lover likes to explore the pleasures of sex. Do not hurt the ego of the Leo lover and instead if possible sing praises. They have to be attached or fond of their lover to enjoy sex. No other zodiac sign can be so majestic and theatrical and grand in lovemaking.

Leo Woman

Leo is the sign of the Lion and the females are as bold and courageous as the males. Leo females are not shy about picking men up! They can be loud and boisterous and need a very self confident man to be with. In the bedroom she wants your undivided attention on her. She romps and plays and makes the bedroom a magical place!

Leo Man

Leo males can be a little lazy in the bedroom. The constant demand to be the center of attention can be draining to most females. So he's going to look for a specific woman and situation where you do most of the work. They are usually good looking and strong lovers... but, will flip right over and go to sleep afterwards. Again, another sign with good physical characteristics!

Erogenous Zone: The Heart area

Favorite Bedtime Fantasy: Most Leo's love attention, love to be the center of attention, and most of all love when you his lover, do all the work.

Classic Leo after-sex comment!
"Wasn't I fantastic?"
Sex with

Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo
Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces


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