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366 Birthday Profiles
About Your Sign
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366 Birthday Profiles
Face Reading
Palm Reading
- Introduction
- Fingertips
- Fingers
- Phalanges
- Thumb
- Life line
- Head Line
- Heart line
- Fate line
- Sun line
- Mercury line
- Lines of love and affection
- Quality of the lines
  Palm reading -- All the lines on your hands
  Points on the hands
Palm Reading

The phalanges on the eight fingers are divided into three groups shown by A, B, C in the diagram on left: "A" corresponds to the physical plane, "B" to the emotional plane, "C" to the mental plane. In most cases, as you look at each finger, the length and thickness of the three phalanges will be about the same, indicating a normal balance between the physical, emotional and mental facets of a person's makeup. However, if one of the groups -- that is, all the As. Bs or Cs -- is noticeably thicker, thinner, longer or shorter than the other two groups, the person concerned will place much more emphasis on one aspect of life -- physical, emotional or mental.

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