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366 Birthday Profiles
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366 Birthday Profiles
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The astral body
Pisces health and body parts

Pisces is the 12th Sign of the Zodiac and corresponds externally to feet and toes while internally it rules the glandular and lymphatic systems.

It was probably a Piscean who invented the saying: "Oh! My feet are killing me" because many people born in this sign during February 20 to March 20 have a degree of foot discomfort, ranging from sore, aching or cold to really painful.

There may be difficulty in finding shoes which will fit you comfortably, especially if you have a high instep, fallen arches or flat feet.

Not all Pisceans have such severe problems, of course, but they are likely to be pronounced if you were born with very adverse star patterns affecting this sign or if you were born at the particular hour of the day or night when Pisces was on the ascendant, regardless of the actual month in which you were born. This latter zodiacal influence can produce an excess of fluid in the body or dispose toward disorders which affect the glandular or lymphatic systems.

Zodiac Signs & Body

Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo
Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

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