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366 Birthday Profiles
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366 Birthday Profiles
Face Reading
Palm Reading
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The astral body
Libra health and body parts

Libra is the seventh Sign of the Zodiac and is related to the kidneys, lumbar vertebrae and lower part of the back. Venus, the planet of beauty, symmetry and balance, is the planetary ruler of the sign. It is no coincidence that cats which are renowned for their beauty, elegance and poise are ruled by Venus and, as any vet will tell you, many of these delightful animals eventually die from kidney failure.

Pains in the lower back are often the result of incorrect posture when the natural balance of weight distribution is disturbed.

Mars or Saturn in Libra at birth or serious afflictions involving Venus can give a tendency toward kidney problems. Saturn is the planet of crystallization and this sphere in Libra at the time of birth can lead to the gradual formation of stones in the kidneys.

Zodiac Signs & Body

Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo
Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

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