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Zodiac Signs Compatibility Zodiac Signs Compatibility index
Compatibility: Aquarius with Taurus

Earth and air have little in common in this combination of two extremely determined signs which basically are separate in nature. Taurus will not understand the Aquarian's unpredictability and when Aquarius wants to be free and aloof he or she finds Taurus too possessive. One has to give way. Aquarius has a natural desire to share affection with many people but Taurus takes another tack and is much more exclusive about feelings.

Aquarius with Aries | Aquarius with Taurus | Aquarius with Gemini | Aquarius with Cancer
Aquarius with Leo | Aquarius with Virgo | Aquarius with Libra | Aquarius with Scorpio
Aquarius with Sagittarius | Aquarius with Capricorn | Aquarius with Aquarius | Aquarius with Pisces

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