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Zodiac Signs Compatibility Zodiac Signs Compatibility index
Compatibility: Aquarius with Sagittarius

There is a strong affinity between fire and air, as well as between your rulers -- Jupiter, the god of thunder, and Uranus, the lord of lighting. Each sign makes a strong impact on the other and yet, when necessary, you are willing to leave each othe alone. You each have an independent streak and need freedom, so neither should trespass on the other's territory. Both signs have high ideals, which transcend the personal level. These two signs are naturally friendly, so you will attract many people into your arena and share the resulting pleasures reciprocal benefits.

Aquarius with Aries | Aquarius with Taurus | Aquarius with Gemini | Aquarius with Cancer
Aquarius with Leo | Aquarius with Virgo | Aquarius with Libra | Aquarius with Scorpio
Aquarius with Sagittarius | Aquarius with Capricorn | Aquarius with Aquarius | Aquarius with Pisces

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