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Zodiac Signs Compatibility Zodiac Signs Compatibility index
Compatibility: Pisces with Leo

Fire with water highlights the great difference between these two. Leo is one of the most frank, open, extrovert signs. Pisces has deep: mysterious, elusive qualities which are almost unfathomable to most people. Leo never really knows what Pisces is made of but the latter admires the strength and purpose of Leo. Pisces often needs to be more organized and Leo is just the one to do it. You live in two different worlds but those who bridge the gap will learn from and benefit each other in ways neither has imagined.

Pisces with Aries | Pisces with Taurus | Pisces with Gemini | Pisces with Cancer
Pisces with Leo | Pisces with Virgo | Pisces with Libra | Pisces with Scorpio
Pisces with Sagittarius | Pisces with Capricorn | Pisces with Aquarius | Pisces with Pisces

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