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366 Birthday Profiles
About Your Sign
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366 Birthday Profiles
Face Reading
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- Mercury line
- Lines of love and affection
- Quality of the lines
  Palm reading -- All the lines on your hands
  Points on the hands
About Your Sign
Scorpio Gift Ideas

Scorpios love receiving gifts anytime. Not only on occasions like birthdays, anniversaries or festivals but even otherwise. They love surprises and mystery and also love their gifts when they are gift wrapped well. They patiently wait to be alone to open their gifts as they cherish privacy. Hence never give a Scorpio a gift which is unpacked and also never open it in front of other people. If you forget to give them a gift on a special occasion like birthday they will never forgive you even if you try to make it up later by giving multiple gifts.

Scorpios are powerful and passionate people. They like strenuous activities and unravelling of mysteries. They like solving brain teasers or can dedicate a whole day to their favourite hobby. Their favourite colours are black and white or super bright colours which are dramatic like dark red, maroon, or deep purple. When deciding upon a gift for Scorpio you need to keep these things in mind.

Scorpios will love a gift which will have some mystery in it. They may not appreciate something which is very obvious to others. However if you still have difficulty in deciding upon a gift for Scorpio based on the suggestions given so far we can help you further. However you need to see what will suit them most as per their individual likes and dislikes.

Scorpios love dark colours and not bright colours. If you plan to give clothes and accessories choose dark colours like jet black or blood red. They love mystery so you can give something which will be subtle and intriguing and has hidden depths. Scorpios are best dressed among the zodiacs so give them cool and stylish clothing. Anything that is dramatic like a dark coloured long coat or boots or stylish sunglasses will be liked by a Scorpio.

If you want to gift a book choose a detective or a mystery book. As they love to read anything mysterious. Even the movies they like to see need to have some mystery in them or horror movies. They like to delve into subjects that are dark and unknown. Books that deal with quantum physics also make ideal gifts for cosmic-minded Scorpio. Those born under this sign are also spiritual in nature and they are drawn towards eastern mysticism. Anything which appeals to their contemplative nature will also be appreciated. They are interested in ghost stories and would not mind ghost hunting if given an opportunity.

Scorpios like topics which are abstract and supernatural. These are of interest to them as such topics have mystery in them. Give them occult items like tarot cards, fortune teller's globe or astrology books. They will surely like them. They also like to explore hidden aspects of human mind and the world. Therefore their gifts may include something that offers them deep exploration of a topic or strategic thinking.

Scorpios are intense, passionate and romantic people. You could gift them sexy lingerie and innerwear. If you plan to give a bouquet on a romantic date, make sure they are deep red coloured roses. Make their occasions special by arranging something special for them like a candlelight dinner at some special place.

As Scorpios are the best dressed people they like to receive good and sophisticated clothes. However they are choosy about their colours and do not like bright coloured clothes. If you are not sure of their choice you could give them a gift cheque or a gift voucher from a clothing store. They will love it as they like to buy presents for themselves and the choice will be totally theirs.

Zodiac Gift Ideas

Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo
Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

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