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366 Birthday Profiles
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366 birthday profiles 366 Birthday Profiles index
Your Birthday: 23rd of September

Personal ruling planets: Venus, Mercury
Lucky colour: Green
Lucky gems: Emerald, aquamarine, jade
Lucky days: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday
Lucky numbers: 5, 14, 23, 32, 41, 50, 59, 68, 77

You are an idealist and therefore given to extremes at times. You have to learn that balance is the key to your development and spiritual growth. You are sensitive and artistic and need to satisfy your artistic urges by communicating our ideas. Do not go over board to gain others approval. Study the situation carefully before making any decisions.

Be firm on the decisions you make. The 23rd and 32nd year of life promise dramatic changes.

Say yes to: Permanence, stability, attention to detail

Don't give in to: Irresponsibility, arguments, mental exhaustion

Children & Family
September 23 natives choose to remember the best of their upbringing while ignoring unpleasant events. People born on this date need to feel as if they have a harmonious relationship with their own youngsters and will work hard to accomplish this. This could lead to a lack of discipline, which sends the wrong message.

September 23 individuals have an instinct for keeping their lives in perfect balance. A healthy regimen includes daily exercise, a balanced diet, and meditation or prayer. They are concerned with their appearance but will not sacrifice good health in order to look great.

Career & Finances
September 23 men and women find fulfillment working in communications or in positions that deal with the public. They require an atmosphere of harmony where relationships between colleagues are pleasant. They prefer saving money to spending it and are willing to save for major purchases rather than use credit.

Dreams & Goals
September 23 people have an opinion about just about everything, although they are in no way controversial. Because they have orderly minds and fastidious habits, these men and women have an easy time maintaining their focus on achievement. Their accomplishments are sweeter when savored with a partner.

You share your birthday with: Kumar Sanu, Prem Chopra, Tanuja, Kip Pardue, Walter Lippmann, Walter Pidgeon, Mickey Rooney, Ray Charles, Bruce Springsteen, Romy Schneider and Jason Alexander.


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