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Your Birthday: 22nd of October

Personal ruling planets: Venus, Uranus
Lucky colours: Electric blue, electric white, multi-colours
Lucky gems: Hessonite garnet, agate
Lucky days: Sunday and Tuesday
Lucky numbers: 4, 13, 22, 31, 40, 49, 58, 67, 76

You are far from traditional, conventional or ordinary. Everything you aspire to has to be outlandish or freakish.

You take pride in the fact that you are weird and sometimes even go out of your way to make your point; which can work against you at times.

You life is full of sudden and unpredictable events related to problems in marriage and at work too. You should harness your energies and direct them to bring about success and fulfillment.

Say yes to: Balance, serenity, being in the moment

Don't give in to: Loss of inspiration, looking back, loving not wisely but too well

Children & Family
It isn't unusual for people born on October 22 to occupy a special place in the family. They possess quiet leadership, which sets a powerful example for their relatives. With their children, they are adamant about setting a moral example. They are anxious to allow their kids more freedom than they were allowed.

A preference for excesses is the key to understanding the health habits of October 22 people. They may equate a surfeit of food and drink with happiness, which could lead to the yo-yo dieting effect. Since these traits could be deep-rooted, they may benefit from professional advice.

Career & Finances
Because of their artistic nature, those born on October 22 often seek careers in the creative or performing arts. It is rare for someone born on this date to choose a career based on its earning potential alone. Money is not unimportant, but it is definitely secondary to personal fulfillment.

Dreams & Goals
With their optimism and enthusiastic flair for life, those born on October 22 don't put up barriers to what they can accomplish. If they want something, they go after it with tenacity. Even though they do not judge their level of success by how much money they make, they want to be recognized for their talent and ability.

You share your birthday with: Kitu Gidwani, Kader Khan, Jonathan Lipnicki, Shaggy, Ben Gillies, Franz Liszt, Timothy Leary, Joan Fontaine, Derek Jacobi, Charles Keating, Jeff Goldblum, Amanda Coetzer and Zac Hanson.


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