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366 Birthday Profiles
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366 birthday profiles 366 Birthday Profiles index
Your Birthday: 22nd of November

Personal ruling planets: Jupiter, Uranus
Lucky colours: Electric blue, electric white, multi-colours
Lucky gems: Hessonite garnet, agate
Lucky days: Sunday, Tuesday
Lucky numbers: 4, 13, 22, 31, 40, 49, 58, 67, 76

You are bold, ambitious and full of energy. There is an air of optimism and positivism in everything you do but at times you seem to overdo it. You have the ability to keep the excitement alive in any place or situation and so people love to be in your company. Try to have more realistic aspirations.

Say yes to: Redemption, karma, strength

Don't give in to: Procrastination, nihilism, divisiveness

Children & Family
November 22 people are great believers in family closeness. People born today often put off having children until they're able to see and do things that are important to them. But while travel and professional goals usually come first, by their mid-thirties they're ready to become parents.

Good health is important to these men and women. They enjoy a daily workout and are likely to participate in sports. Stress management is high on the list of things they need to master. An ability to recognize the symptoms of potential emotional meltdown will help them handle life's negative moments.

Career & Finances
People born on this date are action-oriented and are likely to find a desk job difficult. They love studying and reading, but they need to put their learning to use. Money is viewed as a means of exchange; they have no desire to keep up with others. They love gambling, which may need to be controlled through therapy.

Dreams & Goals
November 22 men and women are big dreamers but aren't likely to map out their goals. They know how to maximize enjoyment in life, but they are wise enough to know that material achievements don't always equal success.

You share your birthday with: Saroj Khan, George Eliot, Franz Hartmann, Andre Gide, Charles de Gaulle, Hoagy Carmichael, Geraldine Page, Robert Vaughn, Jamie Lee Curtis, Mariel Hemingway, George Robert Gissing and Scott Robinson.


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