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366 Birthday Profiles
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Your Birthday: 2nd of November

Personal ruling planets: Mars, Moon
Lucky colours: Cream, white, green
Lucky gems: Moonstone, pearl
Lucky days: Monday, Thursday, Sunday
Lucky numbers: 2, 11, 20, 29, 38, 47, 56, 65, 74

You are an affable person and express your love for people through emotions. You want to be liked by all but be careful not to compromise for the sake of others approval. You are highly imaginative and idealistic. You like to dream and fantasize.

Many famous musicians, artists and authors were born on this day and hence you too are blessed with a good artistic and aesthetic sense.

Say yes to: Fairness, good judgment, tenacity

Don't give in to: Dogmatic attitudes, hypocrisy, possessiveness

Children & Family
Like many Scorpios, November 2 people are plugged into childhood memories. The past is not dead to them -- it affects their lives every day. Though they want to see their children become independent, they may be clinging and demanding. This is usually done out of love, yet it can create a rift between parent and child.

People born on this date are iconoclasts when it comes to their health. They understand the value of exercise and proper eating and generally obey these rules, but on their own terms. They enjoy solitary sports such as running or hiking. They pursue these interests less for physical exercise than for a need to be alone with their thoughts.

Career & Finances
People born on this date have talent for acting, speech making, speech writing, teaching, and creative work. They are often religious and may seek to work within their faith. Money rarely tempts them to do something they prefer not to do. They're dedicated to ideas, not their pocketbook. Because they prefer to live simply, they may appear parsimonious. In truth, they're generous.

Dreams & Goals
November 2 people see every aspect of life as a battle to be won, a challenge to be overcome. They have high standards and want to do everything on their own. While most people welcome a little good luck, November 2 people don't feel as if they have earned their goals unless they have been forced to suffer to attain them.

You share your birthday with: Shah Rukh Khan, Esha Deol, Anu Malik, Nelly, Daniel Boone, Marie Antoinette, James K. Polk, Warren G. Harding, Burt Lancaster, K D Lang, Tamara Hope and Ann Rutherford.


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