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Your Birthday: 13th of November

Personal ruling planets: Mars, Uranus
Lucky colours: Electric blue, electric white, multi-colours
Lucky gems: Hessonite garnet, agate
Lucky days: Sunday, Tuesday
Lucky numbers: 4, 13, 22, 31, 40, 49, 58, 67, 76

You are enterprising, independent and strong-willed and have tremendous drive and vitality. You are quite impatient and when you want something you must have it just then. Your act swiftly, impulsively and decisively.

You are not a conformist and do not like to be bound to any schedules and rules imposed by others. You cannot tolerate authority and get rebellious at times. You need your personal freedom and your space. You are quite blunt with others and also fly off the handle in no time. You should learn to relax and slow-down.

Say yes to: Ethics, appreciation, desire

Don't give in to: Irreverence, ill-will, stress

Children & Family
People born on this date have a powerful connection to their upbringing. It is possible that they experienced an emotionally transforming period in childhood, which forever marked their development. They may have felt insecure about their appearance or social standing when little. They are strict parents and never allow their more tender feelings to get in the way of what they perceive to be their parental duty.

People born on this date believe in taking control of their physical and spiritual well-being. They often follow the advice of a healer, guru, or spiritual counselor to understand the esoteric nature of life. Being healthy isn't a part-time occupation -- it's a lifetime quest.

Career & Finances
November 13 individuals often follow a circuitous path to career success. They may start out in one field, only to be lured into another through circumstances. This appeals to their love of the unexpected. They are careful about money; their careful handling of assets is often born out of a fear that prosperity will not last.

Dreams & Goals
November 13 individuals want to achieve success on their terms. They know their talents, but, no matter what they have to offer, they will resist if they cannot do things their way. They strive to achieve a personal best and have no concern for others' opinions.

You share your birthday with: Juhi Chawla, St. Augustine, Robert L. Stevenson, Eugene Ionesco, John Hammond, Whoopi Goldberg, Steve Altes, Noah Hathaway and Robbie Tomlin.


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