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366 birthday profiles 366 Birthday Profiles index
Your Birthday: 5th of May

Personal ruling planets: Venus, Mercury
Lucky colour: Green
Lucky gems: Emerald, aquamarine, jade
Lucky days: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday
Lucky numbers: 5, 14, 23, 32, 41, 50, 59, 68, 77

You are very good with languages and any form of communication. You are very curious, agile and creative by nature. You are restless and therefore always moving, try to be still sometimes.

Number 5 people are highly nervous and there are times when you get so weighed down by your thoughts that you are not able to act on your plans. You are well-suited for intellectual and studious spheres of industry owing to your fantastic ability to absorb information. You love your family and children, and will always remain young at heart.

Say yes to: Self-motivation, gladness, justice

Don't give in to: Living in a dream world, glib remarks, apathy

Children & Family
Family life and background rarely play a major role in the lives of May 5 individuals. They are free-thinking and anxious to go their own way, often breaking from the teachings of their youth. Parenthood is not high on the list of priorities for them. They often marry and have children after they satisfy their career ambitions.

May 5 people do everything in a hurry, even when they don't need to rush. Because of this, they experience more than their share of needless accidents. It is important that May 5 people refrain from taking unnecessary medication since it has a negative effect on their system.

Career & Finances
Outspoken and opinionated, these bright, curious, and eager people start making career plans early in life. Because of their exceptional communication skills, they make fine professors, lawyers, and writers. They are clever with money. They have uncanny judgment and can turn a small inheritance into a healthy bankroll.

Dreams & Goals
People born on May 5 are intrepid students. They never stop learning and never want to close the book on achieving the very best they can. They are adventurous, often leaving the comfort and security of a job in mid-life to train for a new career. Worldly success and money mean very little to the people born on this date. They are looking to establish a "personal best" that accords with their own standards--not those of anyone else.

You share your birthday with: Kierkegaard, Karl Marx, Ho Chi Minh, James Beard, Tyrone Power and Danielle Fishel.


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