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Your Birthday: 22nd of May

Personal ruling planets: Mercury, Uranus
Lucky colours: Electric blue, electric white, multi-colours
Lucky gems: Hessonite garnet, agate
Lucky days: Sunday, Tuesday
Lucky numbers: 4, 13, 22, 31, 40, 49, 58, 67, 76

The configuration of planets indicates that you are prone to weakness in nervous system owing to the stresses and tensions of life. Though you may come across as balanced and level-headed, actually you are quite temperamental and high strung.

Your responses are very swift you take decisions in a jiffy as you do not want to waste any time. Your decisions are generally correct but you must exercise great prudence when dealing with money and investments. Keep away from schemes that promise to turn you into a millionaire overnight.

You may have a distinctive experience around the 23rd year of your life that may be the turning point.

Say yes to: A healing spirit, perfection, balance

Don't give in to: Being quarrelsome, self-interest, obsession

Children & Family
May 22 natives believe in the traditional family values. This is especially true if they weren't involved in a close family unit as children. They take an active interest in the lives of their children. They are strict disciplinarians, yet fair. They are likely to impress upon their youngsters the importance of honesty and integrity.

These folks are naturally healthy and work very hard to keep themselves in top physical condition. They like plain food, cooked simply. They require a lot of protein in their diet, and water should be their beverage of choice.

Career & Finances
The written and spoken word has great meaning for May 22 natives. Though intelligent, they don't flaunt their knowledge, yet erudition is their trademark. Money is important. They generally have big plans and making a good living is one of them. They are also generous to their friends and family.

Dreams & Goals
May 22 individuals are proud to see their hard work rewarded. They don't believe in getting something for nothing and would not wish to have idle dreams come true. They do not seek outside validation. If they feel they have done a good job, that is reward enough.

You share your birthday with: Richard Wagner, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Cyril Fagan, Lawrence Olivier, Vance Packard, Judith Crist, Peter Nero, Susan Strasberg, Abdul-Baha, Gary Sweet, Kate Russell and Naomi Campbell.


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