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Your Birthday: 13th of May

Personal ruling planets: Venus, Uranus
Lucky colours: Electric blue, electric white, multi-colours
Lucky gems: Hessonite garnet, agate
Lucky days: Sunday, Tuesday
Lucky numbers: 4, 13, 22, 31, 40, 49, 58, 67, 76

You have a strong desire to change your life but the fear of uncertainly resulting form the change is holding you back. This is resulting in a lot of frustration and tension which is preventing you from getting what you want.

The number 13 is known to cause much turmoil and tribulations for the person born on that day. Although disappointments and setbacks are indicated, seek the wise counsel of elder and more experienced people as they will be able to guide you.

Remember that change is inevitable and we have to be able to mould ourselves accordingly.

Say yes to: Reliability, pride, kindness to animals

Don't give in to: Arguments you can't win, lack of respect for money, tension

Children & Family
May 13 natives generally experience a somewhat distant relationship with family members. These people are not group-oriented, and their opinions are often at odds with those of the family unit. They are not particularly attentive parents, though they have a great capacity for love and tenderness.

It is not easy for May 13 individuals to be sensible about health habits. They eat whatever they please, whether or not it is good for them. Although they enjoy exercise, they rarely have the discipline to stick with a workout schedule. They would much rather play a rousing game of tennis or racquetball.

Career & Finances
Although May 13 natives may be expert at a particular subject, they will most likely follow their heart and do what they love best. Many of them change careers as middle age approaches, switching from a "safe" job to something they find more emotionally satisfying. Money has little meaning for these people. They want to express themselves, even if that means giving up a potentially large income.

Dreams & Goals
People born on May 13 want to be happy. They don't like restrictions of any kind and will always take the path that they believe will take them closest to living life as they wish to live it. They don't compare their success to others; they only compete against themselves.

You share your birthday with: Avtar Gill, Joe Louis, Harvey Keitel, Stevie Wonder, Dennis Rodman and Paul McDermott.


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