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366 Birthday Profiles
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366 birthday profiles 366 Birthday Profiles index
Your Birthday: 15th of March

Personal ruling planets: Neptune, Venus
Lucky colours: White, cream
Lucky gems: Diamond, white sapphire, quartz crystal
Lucky days: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday
Lucky numbers: 6, 15, 24, 33, 42, 51, 60, 69, 78

You will be drawn towards all forms of travel and all places of beauty. It is likely that you will live away from the place of your birth.

You are a great believer of the concept of love and idealize it. The sexual aspects of love are also pronounced in your personality. You are eternally searching for love and don't believe even when you have it. You need to be cautious in your quest for love and make sure that your idealism does not blind you to the frailties of human nature.

Say yes to: Validity, compassion, fate

Don't give in to: Cynicism, emotional obsession, unreality

Children & Family
The idealism endorsed by most March 15 men and women has its roots in their upbringing, where people are considered to be "all good" or "all bad." This is often carried into adulthood and passed on to their children. This is a mistake, and they usually realize that once their children begin to form their opinions.

Living a healthy lifestyle is second nature to March 15 people. They can benefit from relieving work-related stress through yoga and meditation, or even brief periods of seclusion and self-enforced silence.

Career & Finances
Career stress can have a negative influence on the emotional and physical health of March 15 people, but they understand that laughter is the best medicine. They are not usually able to deal with materialistic aims and may feel the need to change gears midlife.

Dreams & Goals
Successful management of their need for spiritual fulfillment and peace is the goal of many March 15 people. They wish to live a life that's simple and meaningful, honest and productive. They can have a difficult time zeroing in on personal goals.

You share your birthday with: Ila Arun, Andrew Jackson.


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