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366 Birthday Profiles
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Your Birthday: 5th of June

Personal ruling planets: Mercury
Lucky colours: Green
Lucky gems: Emerald, aquamarine or jade
Lucky days: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday
Lucky numbers: 5, 14, 23, 32, 41, 50, 59, 68, 77

You are very curious, highly energetic and creative by nature. You are restless and therefore always on the move; try to be still sometimes and stay focused. Number 5 people are temperamentally very nervous and there are times when your thoughts weigh you down completely and you are not able to execute your plans.

You are well-suited for intellectual and studious spheres of industry owing to your amazing talent to absorb information. You love your family and children, and will always remain young at heart.

Say yes to: Fantasy, tears of joy, patience

Don't give in to: Wasting time, judging others, feeling overburdened

Children & Family
June 5 individuals are close to their family members, especially siblings. Even as adults they are likely to carry on warm relationships with siblings. They make fantastic parents who, despite professional demands, involve themselves in every aspect of parenting. They have the gift of entering a child's mind, reliving the joy and innocence of that time of life.

These active, mercurial people have a high level of energy and never seem to sit still. Although this is indicative of good health, it also displays a high-strung nature. They often suffer from sleep disorders because they find it impossible to relax. Diet can be a challenge. They often require a high carbohydrate diet.

Career & Finances
June 5 people excel in professions that showcase their engaging personality traits. Sales, public relations, and the media are good career choices for them. Although money is not usually a big consideration in choosing a career, they enjoy a lavish lifestyle that requires a good salary.

Dreams & Goals
June 5 individuals are excited about life and want to experience everything it has to offer. Their goals are optimistic in nature, sometimes impossibly so. If a cherished dream does not come true they simply turn their attention to yet another goal.

You share your birthday with: William Boyd, Mark Wahlberg, Joey Swee, Chad Allen and Ken Follett.


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