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366 Birthday Profiles
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366 birthday profiles 366 Birthday Profiles index
Your Birthday: 28th of June

Personal ruling planets: Moon, Sun
Lucky colours: Copper, gold
Lucky gem: Ruby
Lucky days: Sunday, Monday, Thursday
Lucky numbers: 1, 10, 19, 28, 37, 46, 55, 64, 73, 82

Money is destined to play a significant role in your life. You may be attracted to careers related to banking, finance, real estate and even speculation. While you will have to work hard to earn money, you will also get some very important and lucky breaks in your professional life.

You are prone to have problems with vision. So take note of any headaches, or pain in the eyes and take appropriate measures.

Say yes to: Common sense, good nature, placidity

Don't give in to: Hasty actions, hurting others, mendacity

Children & Family
These people have a lot of sensitive and difficult memories that they have not been able to shake easily. When June 28 natives have children, they seem to revert to childhood themselves. They are active parents who understand that sometimes a dash of silliness is needed.

June 28 people often suffer from minor stomach cramping or nausea, especially when overworked or excited. Unfortunately their "cure" for this is often to overeat. An occasional fast, supplemented by fruit juices or vegetables, can put them on the road to recovery.

Career & Finances
June 28 individuals are extremely savvy about how to get to the top of their professions. Behind all the smart sarcasm and pretense at indifference, these people are determined to make their mark on the world. They also have a good sense of how to manage money.

Dreams & Goals
June 28 individuals keep their goals to themselves. Although well aware of the steps that must be taken along the way, they treat the matter in a cavalier way. This is a mask worn against the possibility of failure, because failure is their deepest fear.

You share your birthday with: Henry V111, Jean Jacques Rousseau, Luigi Pirandello, Richard Rodgers, Eric Ambler, Mel Brooks, Kathy Bates, John Cusack and Mary Stuart Masterson.


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