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Your Birthday: 2nd of June

Personal ruling planets: Mercury, Moon
Lucky colours: Cream, white, green
Lucky gems: Moonstone, pearl
Lucky days: Monday, Thursday, Sunday
Lucky numbers: 2, 11, 20, 29, 38, 47, 56, 65, 74

You are an endearing person and express your love for people through emotions. You want to be liked by all but be careful not to sell out for the sake of others approval. You are highly imaginative and idealistic. You like to dream and fantasize and can also be somewhat moody.

You can be highly impatient and restless. You aim too high and sometimes your goals are beyond your capability. You are prone to sudden outbursts of emotions. You need to restrain your ambitions as well as your temper. Learn to be more patient.

Say yes to: Acts of daring, professional advice, adaptability

Don't give in to: Doubts, constant criticism of yourself and others, gloating

Children & Family
June 2 people find it hard to disassociate themselves from traumas experienced in their childhood. Because of their sensitivity, they often form close emotional ties with their own children. They are also sometimes overprotective of their offspring.

June 2 natives are basically strong but can often find their health adversely affected by emotional issues. During such a time they may be bothered with headaches, digestive problems, and sleepiness. They tend to find solace in "comfort foods" if things go wrong. Fortunately, this rarely leads to being overweight since they have an active metabolism.

Career & Finances
Because of their quiet, introspective natures, June 2 individuals are attracted to occupations that allow them to use their intelligence and sensitivity. They do well as therapists, nurses, and veterinarians. They are apprehensive about handling money. Their eccentricities may include a dislike of banks or an unwillingness to deal in anything but cash transactions.

Dreams & Goals
June 2 people rarely disclose their personal goals to others. Generally modest in their desire for the obvious trappings of success, they have a desire to "fit in" because often feel like outsiders. They place considerable significance on their personal relationships; when these are successful, they enjoy a great sense of personal accomplishment.

You share your birthday with: Nitish Bharadwaj, Thomas Hardy, Hedda Hopper, Johnny Weismuller, Dana Carvey and Nikki Cox.


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