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Your Birthday: 14th of January

Personal ruling planets: Saturn, Mercury
Lucky colours: Green
Lucky gems: Emerald, aquamarine, jade
Lucky days: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday
Lucky numbers: 5, 14, 23, 32, 41, 50, 59, 68, 77

Owing to the powerful influence of two planets, you have an incredible destiny. You are forewarned to act with immense care, lest you destroy yourself. Do not be impulsive or give in to speculation. Instead, harness the magnificent electrical and magnetic powers that you have been blessed with.

You may have had faced problems in early life with regard to your father and therefore you must resolve these issues and come to terms with them in order to have a fulfilling marriage and relationships in general.

The only way to achieve your goals and realize your dreams in this life is by channeling your energies towards greater good.

Say yes to: An ability to apologize, good judgement, vigor

Don't give in to: Acrimony, an arrogant attitude, sanctimonious behavior

Children & Family
January 14 natives are precocious and often distinguish themselves as prodigies. Their childhood is usually unconventional, even gypsylike. Though their circumstances may be different, they give their children adventure by exposing them to many interests.

Because they usually have a hectic lifestyle, January 14 men and women may have some very bad health habits; proper nutrition is often neglected. They need to learn to relax. An hour spent in meditation and seclusion each night can help prolong life.

Career & Finances
People born on this date are clever when it comes to details. The more enterprising can do well in their own business, especially if it deals with financial matters and involves the public. Despite being expert at handling other people's money, they have a somewhat scatterbrained approach to their finances.

Dreams & Goals
"Making it up as they go along" is the way January 14 people like to work. Their goal is to do things their way and still be as successful as those who don't break the rules. They set high standards for themselves but know how to take delays and disappointments without losing enthusiasm or a sense of fun.

You share your birthday with: Kaifi Azmi, Narain Karthikeyan, Albert Schweitzer, John Dos Passos, Julian Bond, Faye Dunaway and Emily Watson.


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