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366 Birthday Profiles
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366 birthday profiles 366 Birthday Profiles index
Your Birthday: 28th of February

Personal ruling planets: Neptune, Sun
Lucky colours: Yellow, gold
Lucky gem: Ruby
Lucky days: Sunday, Monday, Thursday
Lucky numbers: 1, 10, 19, 28, 37, 46, 55, 64, 73, 82

Your birth number is full of contradictions. You will work hard with little or no returns. You may lose money because of the law, and may also lose trust in others. Make sure that these bitter experiences don't make you despondent about life in general.

However difficult it may seem, try to look for the silver lining in the many clouds surrounding you.

Say yes to: Talent, sensitivity, distinction

Don't give in to: Excesses, no-win situations, enemies

Children & Family
Pisceans hold on to their memories from childhood, good or bad. Even if they feel burdened by the past, it is almost impossible for these sensitive souls to cut themselves off from family. They make conscientious parents. They know how to foster an atmosphere of liberalism and good times.

People born on this date require harmonious surroundings to experience the peak of health. Maintaining a good attitude is crucial to their well-being. Since they often have food allergies, they may find the healthiest diet to be simple, with few additives or artificial ingredients.

Career & Finances
These men and women have an ability to transcend the balancing act that causes so much trouble for so many: finding enough time for personal and professional concerns. They have an instinct for making money. They have the ability to stay within a tight budget.

Dreams & Goals
February 28 people have a love of bright lights and fame. Even if they do not aspire to be famous, they are drawn to those who are. Because they know the measure of their abilities, they feel they deserve special attention.

You share your birthday with: Anita Raj Hingorani, Varsha Usgoankar, Montaigne, Zero Mostel, Stephanie Beacham, Bernadette Peters, John Turturro, Peter Britt and Eric Lindros.


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