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366 birthday profiles 366 Birthday Profiles index
Your Birthday: 19th of February

Personal ruling planets: Neptune, Sun
Lucky colours: Yellow, gold
Lucky gem: Ruby
Lucky days: Sunday, Monday, Thursday
Lucky numbers: 1, 10, 19, 28, 37, 46, 55, 64, 73, 82

You are born with terrific ability and also tremendous physical strength. The planetary influence creates in a lot of contradictions and hence you will find yourself battling a lot of internal conflict. You are inclined to be pre-occupied with your own problems. Try not to get so involved within your own self; learn to think beyond.

You have a tendency to solve problems by using the sheer force and dynamism of your personality. Just bear in mind that a little tact will also help sometimes.

Say yes to: The joy of giving, ethics, leadership

Don't give in to: Predictability, censure, irresponsibility

Children & Family
Many people born on this day cling to their past as a way of trying to understand the present. By nurturing their children, they nurture themselves. Their sensitivity and imagination are excellent tools for dealing with their youngsters.

February 19 natives often rely on food and drink and even drugs to escape feelings and fears. If they cannot break these habits, the dependencies become the problems. When food is strictly food, their problem disappears.

Career & Finances
People born on this date have an artistic sensibility that often makes itself known in their career choices. They are better at making money than at taking care of it. These luxury-loving souls enjoy spending money and balk at keeping a strict budget. Credit spending should be avoided.

Dreams & Goals
Although not particularly goal-oriented, February 19 natives are devoted to their dreams. Learning to move beyond potentially destructive role-playing can liberate them from insecurity. Because of their selfless nature, many of their dreams are for others. These individuals have incredibly high ideals.

You share your birthday with: Sonu Walia, Copernicus, Lee Marvin, Smokey Robinson, Amy Tan, Ray Winstone, Lisa McCune, Andreas Vincigurra and Justine Bateman.


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