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366 Birthday Profiles
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366 birthday profiles 366 Birthday Profiles index
Your Birthday: 4th of December

Personal ruling planets: Jupiter, Uranus
Lucky colours: Electric blue, electric white, multi-colours
Lucky gems: Hessonite garnet, agate
Lucky days: Sunday, Tuesday
Lucky numbers: 4, 13, 22, 31, 40, 49, 58, 67, 76

You are bold, ambitious and full of energy. There is an air of optimism and positivism in everything you do but at times you seem to overdo it. You have the ability to keep the excitement alive in any place or situation and so people love to be in your company. Try to have more realistic aspirations.

You have the ability of realizing new ideas and plans with ease. Your extremely positive attitude helps to attract promising opportunities.

Say yes to: Rules, structure, inner dialogue

Don't give in to: Bad choices, misrepresentation, becoming sidetracked

Children & Family
December 4 men and women maintain a respectful distance from family members. This doesn't reflect a lack of love -- merely their need to blaze their own trail. They don't believe in burdening their own children with too many rules. In fact, they may actually encourage their kids' opposition, just to help them learn independence.

December 4 men and women are extremists, and their attitude toward their health often reflects this. They are either fanatics about maintaining good health or extremely careless. To these iconoclastic folks, feeling young means thinking young. They don't believe in chronological age -- one of the reasons they seem ageless.

Career & Finances
December 4 individuals love electronic gadgetry and often look for careers in those fields. Many have a high level of analytical intelligence. Despite their brilliance, they are often careless about money. This usually reveals their disinterest.

Dreams & Goals
"Don't fence me in" could be the motto of December 4 natives. They desire personal freedom, and they will go to great lengths to achieve it. They have a genius for taking advantage of spontaneous twists of fate. An ability to capitalize on the vagaries of existence is something few people can fully implement.

You share your birthday with: Javed Jaffri, Samuel Butler, Lillian Russell, Ranier Maria Rilke, Jeff Bridges, Deanna Durbin, Marisa Tomei, Tyra Banks and Lila McCann.


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