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Your Birthday: 7th of August

Personal ruling planets: Sun, Neptune
Lucky colours: Darker green shades
Lucky gems: Turquoise, cat's eye chrysoberyl, tiger's eye
Lucky days: Monday, Thursday
Lucky numbers: 7, 16, 25, 34, 43, 52, 61, 70, 79

You are an immensely charming and highly creative person. You must use your spiritual insights in practical situations and thereby help yourself and others.

You may get drawn towards unusual paths as a means of escape. But you must not, under any circumstances, lose sight of your goals and waste your precious talents.

Say yes to: Fairness, reality checks, authenticity

Don't give in to: Dark thoughts, revenge, selfish motives

Children & Family
The family background of August 7 individuals is often a closely guarded secret. As parents, they will encourage their children to indulge their own uniqueness and special talents.

August 7 natives have a sensitive constitution and will invariably react negatively if they subject their bodies to great amounts of prescription medicine or alcohol. They may suffer from periodic sleep disorders, which can be troublesome since they rely on a rich dream life to help them sort out emotional and spiritual concerns.

Career & Finances
August 7 people are drawn to drawing, writing, photography, dancing, modeling, or acting. If they do not pursue these avenues as a career, they should at least have one of them as a hobby. Since they are not particularly good at handling money, they should probably hire a professional to handle their financial affairs.

Dreams & Goals
Although not necessarily religious, these mystical individuals have a need to believe in something greater than themselves. Once they have established this connection they are likely to see their goals become reality, since this gives them the focus they need.

You share your birthday with: Suresh Wadkar, Dominic Cork, Charlize Theron, Alan Leo, Mata Hari, David Duchovny and Tina O'Brien.


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