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366 Birthday Profiles
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366 birthday profiles 366 Birthday Profiles index
Your Birthday: 12th of April

Personal ruling planets: Mars and Jupiter
Lucky colours: Yellow, lemon and sandy shades
Lucky gems: Yellow sapphire, citrine quartz and golden topaz
Lucky days: Thursday, Sunday, Tuesday
Lucky numbers: 3, 12, 21, 30, 39, 48, 57 , 66, 75

You are idealistic, ambitious and have very big plans. Most of the times your friends and colleagues are not able to keep pace with your expectations. You should scale down your demands on others and do not expect too much to avoid disappointment later.

Learn to be content with what you have.

Say yes to: The joy of giving, graceful words, daily affirmations

Don't give in to: Buying on credit, placing blame, seeing life from a single point of view

Children & Family
Family life has a pleasant significance for April 12 natives, who understand that life lessons come through understanding and rediscovering their familial ties. These people see parenthood as a sacred trust. They understand that children are only lent, not given. When older children disagree with them, they accept it with grace.

As long as they are happy and emotionally fulfilled, April 12 natives need not worry about health problems. However, moderate exercise is suggested to keep fit.

Career & Finances
Money has great significance for April 12 people because they want to make a comfortable life for themselves and their family. Although extremely generous, they may have a blind spot about savings.

Dreams & Goals
April 12 natives seek to coalesce their materialistic and spiritual aims. They do not see their life goals in terms of separate endeavors but as a broad system of experience. When these folks commit to a goal, they possess the will and ambition to make it a reality.

You share your birthday with: David Cassidy, David Letterman, Andy Garcia, Shannen Doherty, Claire Danes and Jelena Dokic.


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