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Zodiac Signs Compatibility Zodiac Signs Compatibility index
Compatibility: Libra with Aquarius

Air harmonizes with air. Since these two signs are naturally friendly and need the company of other people, you can share these pleasures together. Libra is the epitome of the personal lover whereas Aquarius is the universal lover who needs to share interests and affections with many people. When Aquarius becomes aloof or unpredictable, Libra uses tact and diplomacy, rather than anger, to handle the situation. Neither will make impossible demands on the other, yet they can have togetherness if Libra allows Aquarius freedom.

Libra with Aries | Libra with Taurus | Libra with Gemini | Libra with Cancer
Libra with Leo | Libra with Virgo | Libra with Libra | Libra with Scorpio
Libra with Sagittarius | Libra with Capricorn | Libra with Aquarius | Libra with Pisces

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