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Zodiac Signs Compatibility Zodiac Signs Compatibility index
Compatibility: Leo with Aquarius

Although fire has a natural affinity with air, these signs are opposite each other in the zodiac. There can be a strong initial attraction which sometimes is transformed into equally strong opposition. You both have fixed opinions, strong determination and minds of your own so, without compromise, there will be clashes of wills. Being Leo, you feel justified in claiming most of your partner's attention, so you will find it difficult to accept the fact that Aquarius likes to share interests, activities, ideals and affections with more than one person. Leo will not understand why Aquarius should be so unpredictable, detached and uncatchable — and at the most unexpected times.

Leo with Aries | Leo with Taurus | Leo with Gemini | Leo with Cancer
Leo with Leo | Leo with Virgo | Leo with Libra | Leo with Scorpio
Leo with Sagittarius | Leo with Capricorn | Leo with Aquarius | Leo with Pisces

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